The 18-year-old says she felt dizzy and disorientated and was led down to the cellar area of the Whisky Mist club at the Hilton Hotel where the attack took place.
She claims a 23-year-old man she had met previously at the club gave her the Rohypnol-style 'date rape' drug before sexually assaulting her. She went to the police the next day and the man was arrested later that day by officers. He was bailed to return later this month pending further enquiries.The model, who is a regular at top designers' shows in London, New York, Milan and Paris, said the alleged rape happened when she went to the club last Wednesday evening.
A close friend said: 'She was having a drink at the bar and enjoying herself. She was also given a drink by the guy she says went on to rape her. Then she suddenly felt dizzy and disorientated.'
She has a hazy memory of what happened but is convinced she was spiked with some kind of drug.'After that, she remembers coming upstairs in the club and realising something dreadful had happened.'
The above is just a story that I got from a colleague's blog that report a real story that's been happening in the clubbing scene. However, it appears to have since evolved where perpretrators use something called epidermical celotape drugs. Basically as long as someone touches you with this drug, you'll be knocked out faster then you can say "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".
What can we say???
(1) The pharmauceutical scene is fast evolving. We have very good drugs.
(2) Danger can lurk everywhere !!!
(3) Want to drink, drink at home better. Can K.O. on bed straightaway.
THINK TWICE before you have to PAY TWICE.