TOM YUM Soup for the Soul



Creativity on the move

Posted by Bangbang on Thursday, September 18

Not sure if you have seen this video before but I was markedly amused and thought highly of the duo when I watch this video. This is more then just a showcase of dance talents, but also speaks lengths of creativity and audience engagement in a performance. Despite the fact that he is a trainee lawyer by professional, he did not allow stereotypes nor poor attitude hinder him in the pursue of his passion.

I believe this is one of those inspirations that I would say captivates my heart, to know that CREATIVITY is never limited by what we think we should do or what others think we ought to do but what we CAN do. If you have a crazy idea (make sure it's a captivating one and not something LAME), why not go ahead and act on it. You might be amazed by the results it will achieve for you.

Enjoy the video and have a good laugh. It's entertaining!!!


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